Creative Hands

Creative Hands, 13 x 21 x 21 cm 2012

Creative Hands
Making this piece titled Creative Hands helped me to realize that some of my best memories of family are associated with making things.  From the hand knitted socks lovingly made by my grandmother, to the many sewing projects my mother and I work together on, and including the family craft days my mother-in-law hosts, I retain a collection of memories connecting the process of making things to family and the bonds of love.
In Creative Hands three pairs of hands show an activity associated with each woman, i.e., knitting, sewing and iris folding.  I taught myself how to make needle lace in order to create the intricate detail and lightness of materials needed. While I enjoy the process of learning a new technique, I also appreciate the challenge of re-combining objects and materials to make something new, functional, and intimately representative.
